Articles Tagged as minnesota

Common Interest Communities in Minnesota

This article addresses issues from the standpoint of a prospective buyer, and it’s the first in a series of articles on Common Interest Communities (CICs), homeowners’ associations, and other aspects of planned developments. Our law firm has expertise in the laws governing CICs in Mi... continue reading »

What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

In previous articles, we have explained why it is important to have an estate plan and have in place documents such as a will, power of attorney, and health care directive. This article explains what happens when you don’t have a plan in place when you pass away. So, what happens if you die wit... continue reading »

Real Estate Leases

What comes to mind when we think of a lease agreement is often that first apartment we rented after high school or college. The first lease that I signed was a lengthy document on legal-sized paper with single-spaced paragraphs in small font. It contained words such as ‘term’, ‘security dep... continue reading »

What is a Partition Lawsuit?

Unfortunately some of you will find out someday… Under Minnesota law, if there are multiple owners of real estate, any single owner may unilaterally start a partition action to force the sale of land.  This is a very lengthy and expensive process as the Court must appoint referees who first va... continue reading »